Trinity Corporation: Real World Leadership Experience


Trinity Corporation celebrated its tenth anniversary during 2017. An idea that was created in 2007 in the office of Jim Carter ’82 as a way to mentor and inspire young men in the Work Study program, is flourishing in ways that could not have been predicted.

What began as an experiment to test the potential of young men in real life, real world environments where they could be mentored and then allowed the freedom to see how far they could rise, has evolved into a unique and highly regarded program serving 35 executive team members, just under 400 student interns and the Servite community of parents and staff who they serve every day.

In the early days, there was a combination of curiosity, optimism, enthusiasm, and skepticism in equal measure. And then, each class of young men met the expectations and then raised the bar higher.  Those involved in the developmental days shared one common experience. They all had a moment when they took a step of faith and believed the team would succeed, and, you know what? They did succeed and they keep doing it. Every year, every one of them achieves personal greatness and the team rises with them.

Trinity Corporation has graduated over 65 Executive team members, generated $8 million in revenue for financial aid, helped 650 young men attend Servite High School and is a significant partner in the growth and expansion of the Servite Leadership Program. Trinity Corporation graduates attend top notch programs at Villanova, UCLA, USC, Texas Christian, Columbia, Boston University, Cal State Fullerton, and Loyola Marymount as a result of the skills they learned and were able to present on their resumes.

Recently, Trinity Corp Leadership affiliation received approval for honors class credit which will be reflected in the grade point averages for all participating Executive Team members. This is the realization of a long-term goal to track practical and advanced skills and experiences to the university and college level offering advanced and minor degrees in Leadership.

“It has been an honor to participate in this great experiment and to witness what young men can achieve when they are mentored and respected and challenged,” said Sue Hamrock, founding Director of Trinity Corp. “Servite High School deserves high marks for the courage to support this idea with resources and the enduring commitment to produce faith-filled leaders of integrity and faith.”


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