Kairos: Through the Eyes of a Founder


A pebble cast in water sends a ripple outward in all directions.
Experiencing the return of that ripple, as it returned to me as it’s sender, 18 years later has been a highlight of my year thus far.

“Kairos is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment. The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos and Kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action.”

How appropriate to think about the synchronicity of my life half a lifetime ago at a retreat named for “God’s time” or the “time of proper action.” I can say that I was called to help found the retreat back in 2000. I was also called to come back and volunteer on the retreat as an adult group leader after having not really thought much about it over the last two decades.

When I volunteered to help start this retreat 18 years ago, I couldn’t imagine that a lifetime later I would be back on campus speaking to a room of parents about the blessings I received having served, witnessed, and learned from their sons on would be the 60th iteration of the Kairos retreat, which also happened to coincide with Servite High School’s 60th Anniversary!

I am in awe of the respect, humor, faith, brotherhood, and authenticity that these young men shared on these three days together in communion with one another. I am impressed by the continued work of the Servite campus ministry staff, faculty, and students which has grown what we started all those years back has into a “must do” coming of age ritual that has impacted nearly 2,400 boys and their families over the years.

This last retreat of the year comes a month from the end of the school year and graduation allowing retreatants three days to reflect on what and whom is important in their life.

Some of the topics that we discussed: Healing of past wounds, forgiveness, prayer, love of family, dreams, challenges, and fears of the future. I learned so much guiding and sharing as a curious new friend, a mentor, and a fellow man.

Of the relationships that were reaffirmed while on retreat, the most important was my relationship with the God and Universe. I had a chance to be remind of who I am, where I have been over the last many years of my life, of the people who have seen something special in me and that through the strength of my brothers, family, and my faith, I am never alone.

I am committed to continuing to do this work supporting men access to the abundance of love and opportunity that is available to each of us should we only break down our internal barriers and open ourselves up to receiving what has already been made available to us by birthright.


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