Scholar-Athlete of the Week: Michael Barker ’20


Servite Scholar-Athlete of the Week (9/30/19)

Michael Barker
Cross Country
GPA: 4.18

What is your favorite subject? Why? I would have to say my favorite subject at the moment is AP Lit and Comp because it opens your mind to so many new things. This is a class where you learn to express yourself more articulately as well as be able to develop your imagination.

What teacher has most impacted you here at Servite? Why? I could not choose just one teacher who has impacted me here at Servite. If I were to choose all of those who have made a great impact on me I would have to choose all of my English teachers I have had through my 4 years at Servite; Mr. Cook, Mr. Powers, and Mrs. Campbell. Not only were they, and still are, great teachers to me, but also they are great people who have taught me about the world and been a great support system for me throughout my journey at Servite.

Advice for freshmen on how to balance the academic and athletic rigors at Servite: I know how challenging sports can be at Servite and how right after practice you want to dive face-first into your bed, but you have to have the will-power not to do that and to just get through the homework. For those who do not have a 7th period, do your homework then so that you give yourself more lee weigh post-practice. Also, you have to go to bed at a reasonable time and get up at a reasonable time in order to get the rest you need. Basically what people who are trying to balance sports and academics need to do is get a routine down in order to raise their quality of living and not feel like a zombie every day. I just recently got into the habit of going to sleep at 10:00 pm and waking up at 6:00 am. I get 8 hours of sleep a night now, the recommended amount, and I have enough time from when I get home from practice (around 6:15 pm) to do what I need to get done. It is not impossible for those who think it is – routine is key! Finally, do not be afraid to talk to your counselors either. They are there to support you and help you manage everything that you are involved in. While they want you to push yourself, there is a possibility of overdoing it as well so just keep in contact with them, and if you need something they are there for you.

What else are you involved in at Servite? At Servite I am currently involved in Cross Country, Track and Field, Jazz Band, Movie Club, and Chess Club.

Career interest- When I get out of high school, my goal is to either follow the medical route or get my MBA. While I know they are two completely different fields, they both interest me so if an opportunity pops its head out I would like to pursue both of these careers.

Classes you’re currently taking- I am currently taking AP Literature and Composition with Mr. Powers, AP Calculus AB with Dr. Eng, CP Economics with Mrs. Osorio, HP Critical Reflections with Mr. Fajardo, HP Physics with Mr. Hunt, and Jazz Band with Mr. Burrows.

Previous Scholar-Athletes of the Week:

Ethan Gutierrez (Cross Country)- 9/2/19
Tommy Lien (Water Polo)- 9/9/19
Grady Mulkerin (Football)- 9/16/19
Luca de Lancellotti (Football)- 9/23/19


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