Mother’s Day Reflection

Dear Mom’s

We are pleased to invite you to the annual Mother’s Day of Reflection Thursday, February 14, 2013.  Lent is our invitation to strengthen our spiritual core. Please join Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz for this unique day of prayer and love for mothers as we share this wonderful day with other women of faith in our Servite community.

Registration is now open on line, or by mail.  To register by mail, print the invitation HERE, complete the form and mail it along with your payment to the Servite business office.

If you would like to register and pay on line, you may do so by clicking on the link below

Mother’s Day of Reflection Reservations

Space is limited, register early to guarantee your reservation. All Past, Present and Future Servite moms (and their guests) are invited.   If you have any questions, please contact Carla Harding:  [email protected]