Fr. Philip Grimes, OSM


Fr. Philip Grimes, OSM, had one of the longest tenures among Servites, working at the school from 1961 – 1988. He was ordained in 1932 and had a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from Loyola Marymount University. He was Science Department Chair, taught Math, and worked as Business Office Manager at Servite. Prior to being assigned to Servite, he was director of the Servite Order novices in Granville, Wisconsin, head of the Mater Dolorosa Seminary in Hillsdale, Illinois, and Provincial of the Our Lady of Sorrows American Province. He was known to be strict, gentle and quiet, but had little tolerance for nonsense. He treated students fairly and was well-respected. He was so highly thought of that a plaque in his memory is in the lobby of the Servite Theatre. Fr. Grimes died in 1988 at age of 81.