Ed Quinn


Known by his students to be loud, demanding and challenging, Ed Quinn was a fireball. From 1964 – 88, he taught Chemistry and was Science Department Chair. He held rocketry classes on Saturdays, on the football field. You could hear him through the entire first floor. “Lard” was one of his favorite words. Anyone was a target. Your ducks had better be in a row. His classes were non-pareil. He could make college teachers sweat (and often did!). He was prepared, quick, insightful and taught on the cutting edge. His students were well-prepared for Stanford, Cal, or Notre Dame. He called out many a teacher or entire department if he suspected shoddiness. The 1974 yearbook was dedicated to him by his grateful students. Being confined to a wheelchair and not having but very limited use of his hands, didn’t stop him or slow him down. He passed away in 1988.