Scholar-Athlete of the Week: Joe Lazo ’19


Servite Scholar-Athlete of the Week (9/10/18)
Joe Lazo
Cross Country
GPA: 4.93

Favorite School Subject: My favorite subject is calculus because the answer to any math problem is black and white. It’s right or wrong and simply following the right steps gets me to the correct answer every time. Unlike English or literature where some answers are “more right” than others. There’s no interpretation, subjectivity, or trickery in calculus.

How do you balance the academic and athletic rigors here at Servite? I balance my athletics and academics by doing my homework throughout the school day. During class if we’re given free time, I take the opportunity the catch up on work I had not finished the night before. I also don’t spend an unnecessary amount of time studying.

What is your go-to study tip for an upcoming exam? Know what’s important to study for. Not all classes require the same amount of attention, so for an up-coming exam I study just enough to get an A, no more no less.

What else are you involved in at Servite? Other than XC and Track, I am an ambassador for the admissions program, an NHS member, and a member of the film and Chinese clubs.

What’s your biggest motivation that keeps you striving to be the best student-athlete you can be? My biggest motivation is my family and the brothers I have around me. They have an expectation for me to fulfill my duties as an athlete. At the same time, I must fulfill the expectations my parents set for me in the classroom.

Current Courses: AP Calc BC, AP Literature, AP Mandarin, AP Gov/Econ, AP Physics, HP Critical Reflections, and CP Men’s Choir.

Previous Scholar-Athletes of the Week-
Matthew Kuehl (Water Polo)- 8/20/18
Ben Teske (Water Polo)- 8/27/18
Aaron Libell (Cross Country)- 9/3/18


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