Scholar-Athlete of the Week: Caden Corrales ’21


Servite Scholar-Athlete of the Week (4/28/21)

Caden Corrales
Basketball, Tennis
GPA: 4.0

What is your favorite subject? Why? My favorite subject at Servite is History because I love learning about the past and all that happened in human society hundreds and thousands of years ago.

What teacher has most impacted you here at Servite? Why? Mr. Van Dyk has impacted me the most at Servite. He pushed me to persevere through adversity. When I was struggling in his AP US History class, he never gave up on me and gave up his time to assist me.

Advice for freshmen on how to balance the academic and athletic rigors at Servite: My advice would be to manage your time wisely and not procrastinate. There will be times when you get home late from practice and won’t want to do homework or start working on a project, but what I quickly learned is that if you fall victim to this, it will not turn out good.

What else are you involved in at Servite? I have been involved in CSF for three years now and Investment Club for four years. I was an Assistant Prior my sophomore year for Amideus Priory and I also went on a service trip to build a basketball court in a poor village in Costa Rica as a part of Servite Basketball.

Career Interest- I am interested in various jobs in sports. Any job in sports would be great, but I would love to have a career in sports management.

Classes you’re currently taking- HP Critical Reflections, CP Men’s Chorus, CP Yearbook, AP English Literature, HP Physics, AP Macroeconomics


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