Her Servants’ Kitchen


A common expression used when speaking about the student body at Servite is “the brotherhood.” An uncommon expression of the Servite Brotherhood at Servite is “Her Servants’ Kitchen”. Around 3:30 every Thursday, a group of students begin to slowly mingle into the cafeteria, a place usually seen only through a small window. Many of them don’t know exactly what they’re doing or exactly what the whole “HSK” deal is all about. To some, it’s nothing more than a service hour requirement.

The truth, however, lies much deeper than that. After walking into the cafeteria, it becomes obvious that the plan is to cook, but what and for how many. Chicken bowls, rice, vegetables, and cookies on the side it is. You brought bread too? We’ll make it work. Improvising is key.

Ovens get fired up, water begins to boil, and tasks are handed out to everyone. Baking sheets get lined with paper. Chicken and vegetables are chopped faster than any Iron Chef could dream. Trust me, we’ve seen it. But what’s it all for they ask … why go through this meal-making pandemonium, especially with a group containing people who have never even touched a stirring spoon in their life. The results of our endeavors are the answer to this question, because they alone are justification enough.

The homeless that we feed every Thursday are not just faces with mouths to feed, they’re our friends, our brothers and sisters in Christ. This concept isn’t easy to grasp by most, but I can tell you that we know almost all of them by name. We’ve heard their stories, seen men and women cry at our feet, watched lives changed by the week. When the homeless are told that the meal they are being served was crafted by the very hands of the young men and women serving, most of them are shocked. That surprised response is always followed by a warm thank you and sign of respect. Some are so happy to just have someone listen to them that they forget to eat. When it comes down to it, whether or not you know how to cook really doesn’t matter; it isn’t the reason why we do what we do. The Servite brother that comes to help on Thursday doesn’t at first understand what he truly has done thinking his actions don’t seem all that miraculous. What does matter is that he has touched the life of the least of God’s children, brightened their day and given them some hope. The smallest of actions can prove to yield the greatest of results. Whether you call it brotherhood, community, fraternity or simply family; we are all called to be the face and hands of Christ to our brother.

The student led ministry of Her Servants’ Kitchen has been serving the homeless of La Palma Park since April 2008. What started out as an idea for service from the Servite Seculars, has turned into an instrument of Grace in the Servite community. We set out to help change the lives of the less fortunate but our lives are forever changed. People who we once crossed the street to avoid are now our friends. They had names. They had stories and above all, they returned the love we were giving to them. We were given the greatest gift of all; a glimpse of Christ in our fellow man. Our student leaders graduates continue on the tradition of HSK by bringing the spirit of service wherever they go.



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