Feast of the Seven Holy Founders


On February 17th the Church celebrates the Seven Founders of the Servite Order. Seven men, born in 13th-century Florence, felt called to a life of simplicity, prayer, and fraternity in devotion the Virgin Mary. After witnessing an apparition of Our Lady in 1233, they left behind their material wealth to live in community on the deserted mountain of Monte Senario. Mary again appeared to them, conferring upon them the black habit and the call to the Rule of St. Augustine. Inspired by their devotion and sanctity, others began to follow the men, seeking to emulate their way of life. The Servites thus emerged alongside the Dominicans and Franciscans as one of the great mendicant movements of the Church.

The Order was approved by the Holy See in 1304 and the seven founders were declared to be saints by Pope Leo XIII in 1888. Today the Servite religious family includes friars (priests and brothers), nuns, a congregation of active sisters, and active lay groups.
Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order, pray for us! 


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