Br. Tim Culhane, OSM


Tough. Disciplined. Demanded memorization. Thorough. A fountain of prayer. All are words used to describe Br. Tim Culhane, OSM, during his tenure at Servite, 1961 – 1984. He taught Algebra and Driver’s Education. He was very structured in his life and classroom. He did his duty in consummate fashion. When he spoke, he spoke of substance. On Saturdays, he taught a motorcycle safety class in the student parking lot. He had one moment of ease where he was neither in his room, classroom or chapel. On Friday afternoons, at the close of each week, he allowed himself a libation. He shared this moment with Fr. Fitzpatrick, Fr. Kondik, and perhaps a visiting priest. Then he would repair to his room and his well-worn prayer book, full of holy cards, the mementos of the people he prayed for daily. Born in Ireland, he entered the Servite Order in 1934 and made his solemn profession in 1941. Prior to working at Servite, he served 15 years as a missionary in Africa helping build churches and sharing in the work of conversion and catechetical instruction. He retired from Servite in 1984. He passed away in 1997 at the age of 86.