Friars for Life


The unique call to focus the month of October on respecting life has been lived out by several of our Servite students putting their faith into action. Participating in the biannual, international 40 Days for Life campaign, Servite’s students took to prayer and fundraising to answer the call to care for life in all its stages and to be a witness to the world.

“If we don’t sacrifice some time, energy, and money for those who need our help, then we’re not fulfilling the purpose for which God created us.”

Servite’s Campus Ministry student team collected over $250 in baby bottle collections for the “Pennies from Heaven,” Diocese of Orange initiative that supports local Respect Life shelters, clinics, and centers.  The students also peacefully demonstrated outside of a local Planned Parenthood clinic on multiple Saturday mornings, praying for an end to abortion, and care and mercy to be given to all mothers considering such an option.  

Servite students praying outside Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

“I’ve learned that leadership in these situations and putting myself out there can be tough,” says Michael Reza, student leader of the Campus Ministry team “But the work we do to contribute to the pro-life movement is simple, and it can have a big impact on people’s lives.  If we don’t sacrifice some time, energy, and money for those who need our help, then we’re not fulfilling the purpose for which God created us.”

“We have a responsibility as men to be a change for the better the world,” writes Bobby Angel, Director of Campus Ministry. “Christ calls us to be a face to those who are suffering and witness that this life is worth living.”

Over its ten years in existence, the 40 Days for Life campaign has saved over 13,000 lives; 366 for this past month of October alone.  Servite plans to participate in the springtime campaign as well and continue to encourage young men to continually be the face of Christ for those in need.